Thursday 8 September 2011

The Meeting 2: Organisation

Compared to our first effort, for the second time filming was a lot more organised because we had planned in advance where and how we were going to shoot the film. The aspects we had to consider were:
  • Location: where in the school building could we find an appropriate area to shoot in?
  • Length of time it would take to film: we were given one lesson to complete filming in
  • Equipment we could use to shoot and limitations: we were given a camera and a tripod which affected the type of location used. In the end, we used an indoor location so lighting and sound would good quality
  • Props and costume
  • Roles and responsibilities within the group: each member of the group had a specific role; storyboarding, writing the script, acting, filming. In case one of the group members was absent we also had to think how we would manage to film with only 3 members of the group
  • Health and safety: we decided to film indoors so we would not encounter problems if the filming equipment got wet for example and film in a specific part of the classroom so we wouldn't trip over cables
In spite of this, I think improvements could have been made in our organisation, such as rehearsing the sequence before the lesson began so we could have filmed it quickly and possibly have done some editing.

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