Monday 12 September 2011

The Meeting 2: Evaluation

I think that the second meeting film was a success as the group improved on the work done in the first short film thanks to the group being better prepared for filming and editing. However the second effort could have been improved by the whole group being present and rehearsing the scene ahead of filming. We acted on the constructive feedback given to us by the rest of the class.
What was your responsibility in the filming process?
Acting, drawing the storyboard and writing the script
What decisions did you have to make in this role?
How I could effectively relay the plot of the film to the whole group; how I would devise a script that communicated the message/purpose of the film and fit the given time frame
How effectively did you carry out your responsibilities?
Quite effectively as I produced the script and storyboard before filming but I could have improved by distributing scripts before we shot the scene
How effectively did the team work cohesively?
The second attempt at making a film allowed us to work better as we planned thoroughly how we were going to make the film and edit it
What areas would you like to develop?
The variety of shot types used and camera angles
What are 2 areas you felt went well and consider one recommendation you would give yourself or the group to improve upon this practice?
  • Filming in a given time frame
  • Planning how to shoot the film
  • Next time we should rehearse the scene before filming

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