Thursday 16 June 2011

Preliminary Task 1: The Meeting

On the first day of starting A2 Media Studies, we were presented with our first task to create a short film about 'a meeting' using minimal editing. The purpose of the brief was to give us experience of using the technology employed in film-making (we will be using video cameras, tripods and uploading software). The brief stated that all editing would be done 'in-camera' and required us to use six shots, including some of the following shot types, film concepts and camera movements:

  • Close up
  • Mid shot
  • Long/wide shot
  • Shot reverse shot
  • Pan left/right
  • Zoom in/out
  • Tilt up/down
  • Framing
  • 180 degree rule

Planning the sequence
The other members of my group and I had to carefully consider how to portray 'the meeting' in a limited number of shots. We came up with a story about a patient meeting their doctor and created a storyboard showing the types of shot used; firstly, an establishing shot which was a long shot including panning from left to right; a mid shot that would become a close up with the use of zooming and a two-shot showing the meeting, amongst others.
Next, we had to consider location as filming in school limited us. We decided to film mostly in the classroom. Finally, the script was written.

The altered storyboard

Filming the sequence
When we were actually filming, we changed our ideas somewhat, deciding to only use one location which was a much more reasonable approach. We did not use an establishing shot, which negatively affected the film and the script was heavily edited. I was given the responsibility of acting in the sequence and I gave some direction to the person operating the camera. However it was evident the scene was not very well planned as we had to do quite a few takes to establish how the camera would move and organise the blocking of both actors. We also had to take continuity into consideration; although the editing makes it seem as if we used jump cuts, we put the props back into place after deleted takes.

The editing of the film was minimal. The video from the flip camera was uploaded and simple cuts were added to the film in iMovie. The editing of the film was not a collaborative effort and I felt the group members responsible left out too much of the shots we filmed. In future I think if possible all of the group should be involved in the editing process.

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