Tuesday 13 September 2011

What considerations are there in choosing a film title?

Deconstructing Film Titles
In the activity above, I deconstructed various film titles by analysing the typography, colours, images and words used and made observations on what I thought the films' genres were and the audience expectations of each. In my research I noted the following:
  • The images were genre based and the typography would relate to the genre so these genre markers would lead the audience to have expectations about the film
  • There are certain conventions of film title design, meaning the film would be easily recognisable in terms of genre
  • The titles of some films are considered to make them 'high concept' like Shark Night for example. It also has a short, simple name to make the film marketable worldwide
  • Long film titles are indicative of a serious tone and usually suggest the film is a drama
  • Horror films have shorter titles which relate to an event taking place within the movie
  • Most films' titles express something about the narrative
  • The language used relates to the target audience, e.g. Killing Bono is aimed at rock fans
What is more important- image or words?
Both are equally important: words have connotations and associations while images support these to emphasise the meaning

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