Sunday 19 June 2011

Evaluation of the Filming Process

Class feedback:
  • The acting was good
  • Camera shots needed to be more varied
  • Good dramatic characterisation; the script, acting, body language
  • Costume was well considered
  • The camera was unsteady, use a tripod next time if avaliable
  • Needed more evidence of editing techniques
  • Good use of location; it reflected the dark nature of the narrative
  • Effective use of an over-the-shoulder shot
  • A close up should have been used for the emotional parts of the drama
  • The editing and continuity needed improvement to make the transitions more seamless
All in all, I agree with the comments made my the rest of the class especially considering the camera movements and editing. I feel that the whole group now realise how in future we would work differently to create an effective short film.

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