Sunday 16 October 2011

Plot, characters and USP

We have been discussing and finalising our plot and characters while the usp and themes have largely stayed the same. The name of the movie has been changed from 'Detention' to 'Void' after we talked about avoiding similarity to existing films and a desire to have a short, punchy name that would have a lot of impact. 'Void' refers to the underground void in which we will shoot part of the trailer in.
Synopsis: 5 students at a school in London are forced to have extra detention  by a cruel, unpopular maths teacher. While he leaves the classroom, the kids plot their revenge on him and play a prank that seemingly goes wrong as they then see teacher laying outside on the floor. Thinking he is dead or severely injured they try to escape the building and find that the gates are all locked. The only way out is through the school's underground void. But will they all manage to escape as the teacher seeks his own revenge on them?

  • The evil teacher
  • The protagonist, the surving girl (although not implied in the trailer)
  • The wanderer, a boy who is depicted as stupid (could be a slightly comic character) who leaves the group and gets killed first
  • Another teen who is the first to get in the void but gets killed there, shown/implied in the trailer
  • Another teen in the group whose death is shown in the trailer
  • Another teen whose death is not shown in the trailer
These characters will fit in with the established stereotypes (e.g. the Wanderer, the Final Girl) and we will employ variation by ascribing them characteristics of  stereotypical youth subcultures in London.

USP and themes:

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