Thursday 8 December 2011

Designing main titles and the film poster

I decided to use this font, Times and Times Again, as it is a serif, commonly associated with horror films and because it has a creepy, distorted feel to it and close kerning between the characters. I think the mix of upper and lowercase letters in the title adds to the dramatic effect created by the contrast of colours in the main title and poster.
I used layer effects in Photoshop to give the poster a grim, grungy look

Editing: Log sheet

Whilst filming, we have also begun the editing process using iMovie but before that we reviewed our footage using a log sheet. As you can see, the log sheet is very helpful in allowing us to organise the clips we will use in our trailer and make decisions regarding what needs to be re-shot due to visual or audio issues. Using the time markers I made on the log sheet (e.g. "00:02 to 00:12") in iMovie also sped up the process of cutting the clips.

Shooting 'VOID'

We have started shooting our trailer in the school's underground void, the setting for the murders of the teenagers. The footage for the montage will appear at the end of the trailer, building momentum and using suspense to engage the audience.
Below is a still example of how we used a canted angle, minimal lighting and an out of focus shot in our filming to create a dramatic effect in a scene in which the killer approaches the viewer/ the camera. Additionally, the slow pace adds to the sense of unease the viewer feels at this point in the trailer.